So your newborn sleeps like a dream…that’s amazing! BUT, the main reason is from this magical, Mary Poppins-esque bassinet called the SNOO! It can rock, it can play white noise, it can keep them swaddled, it can even know when to slow down or ramp up depending on your baby’s cries. Sorry, it won’t send penguins to clean those dirty diapers.

So why can this pose a problem? Well, you know it is something you are eventually going to have to wean from…something that your newborn gets so accustomed to will need to just be taken away and they’ll be expected to just want to sleep without all the bells and whistles they’ve been getting! That’s very daunting to think about as a parent so before I go into my advice for weaning from the SNOO, I’d recommend that if you are thinking about purchasing one to really think about if you truly NEED it. It’s quite the investment if you don’t rent it or use one secondhand so just remember a regular ol’ bassinet will keep your baby safe and sleeping perfectly fine.

This Isn’t Your Average Bassinet To Crib Transition

Why Not? Well, first we have to stop the bells and whistles. The SNOO does have a weaning feature but I’m personally not a fan of this route because I don’t feel it’s enough and therefore can really just unnecessarily prolong the process. So first, if you have been using the SNOO’s white noise feature I recommend turning that function off and instead using a continuous white noise machine, like YogaSleep’s Dohm, for all daytime and nighttime sleep sessions. This would be the same white noise you would then use once you transition baby to their crib so they have this already established prior to that move.

Getting Used To A New Room

Now if the crib will be in a different room, I would move the SNOO to this room for a few days at this stage for naps and nighttime sleep so that the baby can become more acclimated with this new space and sense of independence but they will still have the functions of the SNOO that you have been using as they adjust. Spend more time in this new space and even try putting a fun toy in the crib with baby for a minute or two so they are acclimating themselves to it prior to sleep.

Let’s Make Some Nighttime Changes

Once the new white noise has been established for a few days and you spent another few days having naps and nighttime sleep in the new room (if needed), it’s then time to remove any vibrating or shaking at nighttime first. Cold turkey! Don’t panic! This is when you can use bassinet-side soothing, rocking, or whatever you find works best for your baby to handle any fussy period throughout the night and your approach may vary depending upon if you’re making this transition at 3 months vs. 5 months!

Onto The Naps

Naps can be more difficult for some babies vs. others so if you don’t feel like the nights are quite there yet, go slow and don’t start removing the SNOO features until you feel like baby and you have gotten into a consistent rhythm of how to handle periods of wakefulness during sleep. That will help you figure out from the start what to try first for naps if your baby is having a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep. The first nap is typically the easiest so start with even just that nap for a few days before committing to all of the naps.

You’re Ready!!

Congrats, you made it to the actual crib transition! You can start with a few naps here and there in the crib (naps 1 and 2 are usually the easiest) and then once you have that momentum, time to say bye bye SNOO and hello crib! Place that baby down into the crib at nighttime, remove the SNOO from the room and give yourself a round of applause for getting your baby to that point.

What Do I Do About the SNOO Swaddle?

If your baby hasn’t started to show signs of rolling from back to tummy as you’re making this transition you can use the Happiest Baby Sleepea swaddle or one like Ollie in the SNOO and continue to use that swaddle in the crib. Now if baby has shown signs of rolling, you can do the swaddle transition with one arm out for 2-3 nights and then bring the other out and keep baby swaddled around their chest in the SNOO. Then have a sleep sack handy that you can use as you complete these transition steps to the crib so then baby is already in that sleep bag prior to sleeping in the crib.

I’ve Hit a Snag!

Sleep training will be your best friend! If you are unsure how to handle any hiccups or your baby’s adjustment to the crib, sleep training can provide you with a clear plan of action and make the transition smoother as well as having you feel more confident during the process!

Please head over to our Infant Sleep Help page to look for the best plan for you and your little one.