by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
How often do you put your baby to bed only for them to wake up 30-45 minutes later and they WILL NOT go back to sleep? This is what we call a false start in the baby sleep world. Basically, your baby treated bedtime as a nap and now they want to get up and play or...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
The short answer…YES! But let’s use the term “schedule” very loosely for a newborn and rather think of their schedule as a ROUTINE! When you hear the word schedule we assume things happening at set times each day. Well that is just not...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
This is honestly the number one question going through our clients’ minds before committing to the sleep training process. And rightfully so! I don’t like hearing babies cry, it’s definitely not a part of the job I enjoy – just as I imagine a...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
Once you understand your child’s sleep cycles, you can better anticipate and Let’s start with the basics: your newborn’s sleep isn’t very predictable because their sleep cycles aren’t yet developed like that of an adult or older child....
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
As a mom, I know how overwhelming it can be finding out you’re pregnant! It’s a mix of emotions – excitement and joy combined with anxiety and the reality that you’re bringing a baby into this world! I felt like I could barely take care of myself, so how was I...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
Summertime: long days, the sprinkler, ice cream, BBQs and just endless hours outside with the kids. So when you think of summertime, I would say must of us don’t associate it with sleep! And with those additional hours of daylight often comes sleep problems for...