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Sleep Shaping: A Newborn’s Version of Sleep Training!
While the standard definition of “sleep training” is something you need to wait until baby is 4-6 months old to do, you can start sleep shaping right from birth! My methodology is that by honoring the intrinsic relationship between feedings and sleep while recreating...
How To Help Your Child “Fall Back” for Daylight Saving Time
Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 5th, 2022; it’s finally daylight saving time for the U.S.! Many of us will be feeling those colder temperatures and that means the sun will start setting earlier as well. When we “fall back” on November 6th, your little angel,...
Separation Anxiety & Its Impact on Your Child’s Sleep
When your child experiences separation anxiety it’s that natural parental instinct to do everything in our power to ease it. It’s not fun seeing your little one under such distress! In this blog post I’ll be covering my top tips for handling separation anxiety as a...
Breaking Down the 4 Month Sleep Regression
It’s so ominous as the first official sleep regression. And the name itself “regression” totally excludes the fact that there is a really cool progression going on during this! So I want to reassure you of two main things: 1. Not all babies are even affected or if...
Can I Put My Newborn On A Schedule?
The short answer...YES! But let's use the term "schedule" very loosely for a newborn and rather think of their schedule as a ROUTINE! When you hear the word schedule we assume things happening at set times each day. Well that is just not realistic for a newborn and...
How to Keep Your Toddler in their Bed
It’s a big milestone when your 2-4 year old transitions out of the crib and into their bed or toddler bed! But with that exciting change comes a newfound sense of freedom, making your toddler want to explore that ability to roam around more freely in their room. So...