by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
Walking, talking, and…dropping a nap? The 2 to 1 nap transition typically happens between 12 and 15 months, but before dropping your child’s second nap, it’s important to see signs of readiness for at least 1-2 weeks. It’s easy to mistake...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
Your child’s ever-changing nap needs Just when you think you have a schedule down it seems like a nap transition is just on the horizon! In this blog post you’ll learn about when nap transitions typically happen, how to tell if your child is ready to drop...
by Kaylee Caldwell, Certified Sleep Consultant
Breaking down when to purely follow wake windows and when to follow a set, yet flexible schedule We get this question A LOT! So before we go into the fun stuff, let’s start with some basics around infant and toddler sleep so that you have this foundational...